Frequently Asked Question About Ménière’s Disease Triggers

What Triggers Will Make My Symptoms Worse or Potentially Bring on a Vertigo Attack?

Ménière’s disease triggers differ from patient to patient, and it is possible to have one trigger or many triggers. It can be helpful to keep a food and activity diary to help identify what your triggers are.

If Sodium (Salt) Is a Trigger for Me, How Much Can I Consume Daily?

While there is no sodium recommendation for patients with Ménière’s disease, the American Heart Association recommends an “ideal” limitation of 1500mg, while not exceeding 2300mg per day.

Is There a Special Diet I Should Follow to Avoid an Attack?

Diet may not affect everyone the same way. However, having too much sodium in your diet can increase fluid in the inner ear. Having too much caffeine has been known in some people to trigger an attack. Reading food labels can help manage your daily sodium intake. Foods that are naturally low in sodium include the following:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Whole foods (not processed)
  • Fresh beef, poultry, and fish

High Stress Job/Life Can Make Symptoms Worse. How Can I Avoid Stress?

Stress can play a role in making Ménière’s disease symptoms worse. It is hard to live a stress-free life; however, there are many things you can do to manage stress:

  • Exercise regularly and get adequate sleep
  • Meditate, practice breathing exercises, or journal
  • Join support groups
  • Avoid natural depressants like alcohol and drugs

What Lifestyle Changes Can I Make to Help Prevent Symptoms?

Living a healthy lifestyle and developing coping methods are great practices to maintain good health, and they may help to control symptoms of MD. Examples of lifestyle changes include the following:

  • Limit daily salt intake as recommended by the American Heart Association
  • Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and too much caffeine
  • Eat well-balanced meals, and drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Manage stress appropriately
  • Identify and manage allergies
  • Get tested for sleep apnea if you have increased attacks of vertigo
Close up of a woman's ear

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