Postoperative Instructions
Postoperative Instructions Following Excision Of Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Postoperative Considerations
- You must have a responsible adult drive you home from this procedure.
- You must have a responsible adult with you for 24 hours after the procedure.
- After surgery, it is suggested that you get regular activity and walk for a total of 30 minutes per day. Start by walking for five to 10 minutes at a time and slowly build to walking for 30 minutes at a time.
- Rest is also an important part of healing. Slowly return to your regular level of activity. Save your energy by spreading out activities that make you tired, and rest as needed.
- Avoid heavy lifting over 10-15 pounds and strenuous or vigorous activity for two weeks after surgery.
- Do not take NSAIDs (e.g. aspirin, Aleve®, Advil®, MOTRIN®, ibuprofen) for two weeks after surgery.
- Do not drive a car while experiencing pain or taking prescription pain medication. Do not drink alcohol while taking prescription pain medication.
- There will be prescriptions that you will get ahead of time from the clinic to have filled. Please make sure these are filled prior to your procedure and ready for use once you are home.
- You can resume a normal diet after the procedure.
Drain Care
- If you are discharged with a drain in place, record its output every eight hours; call the clinic when output is less than 10mL per eight-hour shift for three consecutive eight-hour shifts. The nurse will then schedule you to come into the office to remove the drain. You will get more drain care instructions from the nursing staff at the operating facility.
Wound Care
- Keep your incision dry for 48 hours after the drain is removed.
- If there was no drain placed, keep the incision dry for 48 hours after surgery.
- You will have sutures in place after surgery. You will be given instructions on when to follow up in the clinic for suture removal prior to your surgery date. Sometimes dissolvable sutures are placed and there is no removal required.
- You may then shower but do not tub bathe or soak/scrub the incision.
- Apply BACTROBAN® cream (also known as mupirocin, which will be prescribed to you) to the incision three times per day for two weeks.
- Apply diluted hydrogen peroxide to the wound in the morning and before bedtime. Put a small amount of the peroxide into a cup and dilute with equal amount of water. Put on Q-tip and apply to incision line.
- Keep the incision out of direct sunlight for six weeks after surgery.
Call the clinic at 952-832-5252 before, during, or after hours if you experience any of the following after surgery:
- You feel you are getting worse or having an increase in problems
- Fever greater than 101°F
- Any signs of infection (increased redness, swelling, tenderness, warmth, change in appearance, or increased drainage) from your incision
- Blood in your urine or stool
- Nausea and vomiting and/or diarrhea that will not stop
- Severe pain that is not relieved by medication, rest, or ice
- Any other questions or concerns