Postoperative Instructions

Post-Operative Instructions Following Rigid Esophagoscopy and Co2 Laser Excision of Zenker’s Diverticulum


Postoperative Considerations:

  • You will stay in the hospital for a 23-hour observation following your procedure.
  • You will need a responsible adult to bring you home once discharged.
  • It is not uncommon for your voice to be hoarse following surgery. This is primarily related due to the breathing tube that is placed during surgery, but otherwise should be okay to speak.
  • You will be given pain medication following your surgery for you to use as needed.
  • No drinking or driving while taking narcotic pain medication.

To Achieve the Best Surgical Outcome, Please Follow These Instructions:

  • You will not be able to eat or drink for the first night following your surgery.
  • You will be on a restricted diet for one week following surgery.
    • The morning after surgery, the surgeon will follow up to assess how you are doing and may give the okay for you to start clear/thin liquids. You will then gradually be able to advance to thick liquids (Ensure®, protein drinks, etc.) before being able to add soft foods (scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, etc.).
  • No heavy lifting for 10 days following surgery.
  • No CPAP use for one week after surgery.
  • Please take medication prescribed.
    • Begin antibiotics on the morning after the procedure and complete the entire course of therapy.
  • You will be scheduled for a post-operative appointment in 5-7 days following your surgery.

Call (952) 832-5252 to speak with a triage nurse during normal business hours. There is also a physician available for after-hour emergencies.