Septoplasty Procedure: Diagnosis and Treatment

What is the Septoplasty Procedure?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that ENT surgeons perform for patients with deviated nasal septums. A deviated septum is when the wall between the nostrils inside the nose is crooked or off-center — when that happens, it causes discomfort and trouble breathing through the nose and mouth that can only be fixed with surgery.

By straightening the septum and clearing any obstructions, air can travel through your nasal passages without the same strain, congestion or troublesome nosebleeds.

Diagnosis and Process

Four out of five people have a deviated septum. In many cases, surgery isn’t needed. Deviated septums are most commonly diagnosed visually using a penlight or nasal speculum to assess the nasal passages. In some cases, imaging studies like a nasal endoscopy are recommended for a more detailed evaluation of the septum’s alignment.

At Renew, septoplasties are an outpatient procedure that is conducted with either local or general anesthesia based on your unique needs. After an initial consultation with one of our ENT surgeons, they’ll talk to you about your particular obstruction — if the issue is a deviated septum, septoplasty is the most common form of treatment.

Signs You May Need the Septoplasty Procedure

If your nasal passages are obstructed, you’re likely experiencing symptoms without knowing the root cause. The following symptoms may be signs that you have a deviated septum.

  • Difficulty breathing normally through your nose
  • Mouth breathing
  • Nosebleeds
  • Nasal pressure
  • Sinus infections
  • Sleep apnea
  • Loud snoring

These uncomfortable symptoms can be taken care of with a septoplasty performed by a compassionate and skilled ENT surgeon — exactly what you’ll find at Renew.

A smiling doctor

Talk to Us About Septum Surgery

Are you wondering if a deviated nasal septum surgery will help relieve your symptoms? Contact us to learn more.

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